Friday, February 26, 2010

week 7

this week was pretty cool and fast since we didnt have school monday and a half day wednesday. but overall i think i did good this week, i had alot of work to make up though because im missed some days last week but i learned my lesson. I will never miss anymore days of school again!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

week 6

week 6 was pretty cool even though i wasnt here all week and i came thursday it was still pretty cool. i still got alot of my work done and i also finished my longterm project. but im sure next week will be better because i'll be here next week all week!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

week 4

this week was a pretty cool week it was kind of short but i think i met my objectives in this class and my other classes also and i plan to do the same next week too.